編號: c83030
刊登日期: 2017-05-04 20:25:40
學生性別: F
地址: 麗東海景豪苑(近筲箕灣站), 筲箕灣 
學生程度: 中五
補習科目: 英文
補習資料: 任何1天,每堂 1.5小時, 平日5.00pm或以後, 六/日待議
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時150至150元
特別要求: 女導師, 請列明可上課日子時間

冇時間? 想介紹比朋友做? Share比佢啦!!
  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t46669 [M] (2017-05-04)
2 t35667 [F] (2017-05-05)
Currently a part-time instructor at Community College and specialize in teaching DSE English. Tuition time cannot be fixed but usually on Sat. and Sunday.
3 t34394 [M] (2017-05-06)
1) Very experienced secondary school teacher 2) Have been teaching DSE English, Liberal Studies, Chinese for 8 years since 2009 3) Help to excel in school works 4) Provide effective notes and practices for improvements 5) Aim at Level 4 (Credit) or above 6) Whatsapp contacts after tuitions are welcomed (*Nights on Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat. Day time on Sunday) **$400 per hour is expected.
4 t15419 [F] (2017-05-16)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Familiar with DSE, SAT, TOEFFL, able to provide helpful tips on examination techniques. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.
5 t46147 [F]
就讀港島傳統Band 1英文中學 現就讀大專法律學課程 中學時期修讀BAFS 歷史 英國文學 中英文成績優異 有在Kumon補習社工作經驗 現有4個補習學生 甚有經驗 為人有耐性 能循循善誘教導學生 而且有大量notes提供 本人時間十分鬆動 可互相遷就時間
6 t46742 [F] (2017-05-24)
Nice to meet you! It's Eunice speaking. I have gained a LEVEL 5 IN ENGLISH FROM S4 TO S6 and an OVERALL BAND SCORE OF 7.5 IN IELTS. Teaching in English is provided upon request. I have just taken the HKDSE Examination and am going to graduate from Sacred Heart Canossian College in a few months. Having been volunteering at the Caritas (明愛) for around 4 years, I have been, not only tutoring, but also learning with my dearest students (P.1 - P.6) on the ground that I guide him and her and, most importantly, accompany them through their journeys of acquiring knowledge, and vice versa as well.
7 t46741 [F]
Hello I am Joyce:) I just graduated from St.Stephen's Girls' College. I guess you are soon promoting to Form 6 , what you really need is exam skillsssss~ I have planned a special course for DSE students , which can also be taught in form 5 , just in case you are promoting to Form 6 . 本人英文根基不錯,從小學習Phonics,能操一口流利英語. 本人亦早在小學時報考Cambridge Flyers,KET and PET ,以自學方式預備亦能取得不錯的成績,而且本人grammar foundation 十分強. 在中四時本人報考IELTS,其中reading一卷更獲得8.5接近滿分(9)的佳績,而IELTS reading中,文章的難度比DSE還深,所以本人有信心可以幫助學生應付中學DSE英文課程:) 另外,本人於高中英文SBA( in form of oral)連續兩次奪得差一至兩分的佳績(evidence will be provided upon request),故此能肯定自己的英語能力能夠用作全力幫助中五/中六英文成績更上一層樓,為DSE作好預備!!! Time available: Sat/Sun afternoon 期盼家長給予机會讓我親身指導:)謝謝!
8 t20961 [F] (2018-06-14)
本人有13年補習經驗 曾在香港大學任職學士學位課程助教 有香港大學頒發之 專上學院教育文憑 (Certificate of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education) 現為全職補習及鋼琴老師 畢業於香港大學美國研究(AMERICAN STUDIES)碩士研究生(MPHIL)課程 及嶺南大學歷史文學士 副修英國語文及英國文學 曾為嶺南大學英文辯論隊及學生會編輯委員會成員 嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院就讀中一至中七 曾擔任校報編輯委員副編輯 學校牧童笛隊隊長及升學及就業輔導組成員 IELTS 7.5/9 於兩屆校際朗誦比賽 英文PROSE READING 獲MERIT 成績 (80分以上) 鋼琴8級 樂理5級 學生由幼稚園至高中也有 主要補英文及數學 亦有多位Dse英文補習及鋼琴學生 家住西灣河地鐵附近 可致電問家課 本人有耐性,有負責任,準時, 本人深入淺出地教導,定能解決學生在學習上的疑難。 因此希望獲得聘請 有補AL UE及 Dse經驗