編號: c82739
刊登日期: 2017-03-12 17:42:21
學生性別: F
地址: 和明苑(坑口站出口), 將軍澳 
學生程度: 中六
補習科目: 英文
補習資料: 任何1天,每堂 1.5小時, 平日6.00pm或以後, 六/日待議
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時140元
特別要求: 女導師, 請列明可上課日子時間

冇時間? 想介紹比朋友做? Share比佢啦!!
  導師編號 留言時間及內容
1 t37367 [F] (2017-03-14)
I graduated in the UK and worked as a translator before teaching English at international schools. Having got a postgraduate education qualification in teaching English and a master’s degree in translation and interpretation, I tutor local mainstream and international school students in both English Language and Literature in English. I have experience in teaching English literacy skills (including reading, phonics, speaking, writing, and listening) to students at all levels. My desired hourly rate is $350. I’m available on the days as mentioned in your post.
2 t15419 [F] (2017-03-20)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Familiar with DSE, SAT, TOEFFL, able to provide helpful tips on examination techniques. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.
3 t36243 [F]
由於我在外國留學的關係, 我有一套自己的方法去學習英文, 因此我懂得由淺入深教學英文並用英文授課, 為你的未來打造一個穩健的基礎. 現正在補習社為一個中四學生補習英文. 他的基礎不好但現正進步中. 希望也幫到你. 我住坑口, 方便到你的家中補習. 等待你的回覆.
4 t46750 [F] (2017-06-08)
您好!本為香港科技大學工商管理學系女二年級生。曾就讀傳統名校張祝珊英文中學。本人於2016 DSE英文考獲5**! 閱讀5*寫作5*聆聽5*會話5**,本人十分熟悉最新的文憑試技巧及過去英文卷的內容,重點等等。中文也考獲5級佳績,中文會話更有5**。現在己有一年補習經驗,學生來自嘉諾撒書院,聖保羅男校等。再者,本人能提供大量名校筆記及練習。望能幫助貴子弟。
5 t46845 [F]
I am an English teacher in an EMI school. I have been teaching English for more than 15 years and I know the exam requirement well. Currently, I teach F.1 and DSE English. I hold a master degree in Applied Linguistics which I think can help me to teach effectively. Apart from the 4 papers of English, I know well the worksheet design and exam paper setting.
6 t44904 [F]