編號: c82351
刊登日期: 2017-02-13 16:18:27
學生性別: F
地址: 麥當勞道 [金鐘站或香港站有巴士直達], 中區 
學生程度: 小四
補習科目: 英文 [小三及小四]
補習資料: 任何2天,每堂 2小時, 平日5.00pm或以後, 六/日待議
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂2.00小時, 每小時120至140元
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂2.00小時, 每小時120至140元
特別要求: 女導師, 請列明可上課日子時間

冇時間? 想介紹比朋友做? Share比佢啦!!
  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t43801 [F]
As an English major University graduate, I have been conducting private and group tutorials to students of various age groups and personalities for over 5 years, according to their capabilities and needs. - Available only one day a week though Monday 6pm
2 t46416 [F] (2017-01-22)
女,25周岁,香港大学英文系一级?誉毕业生(2013),雅思考试8分,普通话水平测试一级乙等,英语,普通话,粤语流利。 补习经验: 女,12周岁,沪江香港国际学校,普通话及中文写作,2010-2011 男,3周岁,韩国国际幼儿?,普通话,2011-2012 男,10周岁,香港国际学校,普通话,2011-2012 女,15周岁,耀中国际学校,普通话及中文写作,2013-2014 男,8周岁,耀中国际学校,全科,2013-2014
3 t46501 [F]
I am a HKU year 1 undergraduate taking a Bachelor of Arts degree and am currently taking courses from the School of English. I graduated from Marymount Secondary School and am fluent in English and Chinese and can communicate well with students. I believe that I am fully capable of making your son excel in English and even fall in love with it. As for my experience in teaching, I have previously had 1 on 1 private tutorial lessons with junior secondary school students and am quite capable of teaching young students
4 t43198 [F]
I graduated from University College of London with an engineering degree. I have been studying in UK for 5 years. I speak native English and I can provide full English speaking tutorials. I am good at Science, Mathematics, English and Chinese. My HKCEE Results: Chinese(5) English(5) Maths (B) Chemistry (B) Biology (B) Physics (C) A. Maths (B) GCE ALevel: Maths (A*) Chemistry (A*) Chinese(A*) Further Maths (A) Physcis (B) Besides, I got Level 2 in both English and Chinese Language in HKSAR Government Common Recruitment Exam. I am currently a private tutor and can offer classes on one to one basis. I am a passionate and patient teacher with at least 3 years teaching experiences. My classes are offered with a high standard and a reasonable cost. Thank you very much for your consideration.
5 t38481 [F] (2017-02-09)
本人为全職補習. 2007年(加拿大)大學畢業生.已完成碩士課程。本人富有耐性和愛心,已有超過9年小學補全科的私人補習經驗。擅長為中、小學生補習。本人能按學生的程度和要求設計課程,達至最佳教學效果。本人可於星期一至日全日補習。
6 t43976 [F]
7 t37063 [F] (2017-03-02)
I am studying Master of Journalism programme at HKU. I used to study at a well-known EMI school (Good Hope School) for 11 years. After that I went to study at an international school for 2 years. Therefore, I can speak very fluent English. I got 5 in CE Eng ( 5* in oral paper), A in UE speaking and grammar. I have been teaching English for more than 7 years (including IELTS).
8 t15419 [F] (2017-08-29)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Familiar with IELTS, DSE, SAT, TOEFFL, able to provide helpful tips on examination techniques. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.