編號: c81389
刊登日期: 2017-08-30 04:40:54
學生性別: F
地址: 坑口港鐵站上蓋, 將軍澳 
學生程度: 中二
補習科目: 英文
補習資料: 六待議
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時200至250元
特別要求: 現職女老師, 請列明可上課日子時間

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  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t46067 [F]
2 t44724 [F] (2016-09-30)
提早退休英文課程主任,曾參與小學及初中教育局英文科教改課程發展,熟識小學至中三的英文科內容及要求. 1. 現誠意為中小學生提供全科功課輔導, 每課 1.5小時, 學費每小時 HK$ 150 起. 2.可小組形式 ( 2-4人),每課: P.1-P.4 HK$ 200, P.5-P.6 HK $ 250 . 3. 另小學及初中英文專科技巧訓練 : 聽, 說,讀,寫 . 學費每小時 HK $ 160 起, 可2人一組. 4. 上門或到跑馬地, 山光道,本人住處上課
3 t30657 [F] (2016-09-30)
本人為全職代課老師/私人補習老師, 畢業於香港中文大學英文系 (其後亦曾取得英國華威大學工商管理 postgraduate diploma), 中一至中六就讀於著名直资中學, 會考/高考中文/英文科取得A佳續, 曾在港中學教授中二至中六英文科, 也曾為直資名校, 國際學校, 中中/英中的中二至中七學生私人補習, 主耍是英語(包括文法和作文)以及英國文學, 可配合學生校內課程提供額外筆記和習作. 拥有六年以上私人补习经验。
4 t38959 [F] (2016-09-30)
<港大英文系畢業> 香港大學英文系畢業,曾任教港島區 Band 1 英文中學英文科10年,現為全職補習導師。有13年私人上門補習經驗,專補DSE英文課程(中四至中六),初中及小學各級英文,亦教國際學校、成人(商業英語)及雅思(IELTS)等。
5 t44485 [M]
本人是拔萃男書院及香港大學畢業生,香港高級程度會考3A 成積,勤奮及富責任感。現為中學中文,英文,文科教師,有完整教材提供,大學修讀英文系及為英文辯論隊隊長,代表參加國際賽事,對不少名人演講有深刻認識。過往有超過六年私人補習及補習社小組補習經驗,本人過往學生均來自名校,例如聖保羅書院、高主教、華仁、庇理羅士、蘇浙、聖若瑟、瑪莉曼、、皇仁亦有替教授演說課程,語言學習(日語及法語)現誠替區內中小學生補習,價錢合理,絕不取巧,時間可商量。
6 t38959 [F] (2016-10-03)
<港大英文系畢業> 香港大學英文系畢業,曾任教港島區 Band 1 英文中學英文科10年,現為全職補習導師。有13年私人上門補習經驗,專補DSE英文課程(中四至中六),初中及小學各級英文,亦教國際學校、成人(商業英語)及雅思(IELTS)等。
7 t46230 [F]
I was born and raised in Canada, with a Bachelors Degree in English (first class honours) and my Masters Degree in English. With more than 10 years of English teaching experience, I am confident in teaching K.1 to F.6 students any English courses. I have taught phonics, reading, oral, writing, grammar, DSE/IGCSE/IELTS preparatory courses etc. My F.6 students last year got 5* in English, band 8 in IELTS and an A* in IGCSE. All proven and systematically arranged teaching materials for any English courses will be provided and tailored to fit the student's level and tackle his/her weaknesses. I ONLY TEACH AT MY OFFICE in NORTH POINT (1-2 mins from MTR). One-on-one or small groups are welcome :) $140-190/hr depending on the number of hours weekly and students per class.
8 t37367 [F] (2016-11-14)
I graduated in the UK and worked as a translator before teaching English at international schools. Having got a postgraduate education qualification in teaching English and a master’s degree in translation and interpretation, I tutor local mainstream and international school students in both English Language and Literature in English. I have experience in teaching English literacy skills (including reading, phonics, speaking, writing, and listening) to students at all levels. I’m available on the days as mentioned in your post.
9 t43074 [F] (2016-11-17)
本人IELTS考獲8分。你好! 本人現就讀香港中文大學四年級。 本人在會考及高考均考獲佳績,而且熟悉考試模式和答題技巧,定能令學生成績更上一層樓。
10 t45611 [F] (2017-03-04)
本人為傳統名校拔萃女書院學生, 具2年補習經驗. 於IELTS獲取7分的佳績, 中英文成績優異,(曾修讀英國文學及法語)亦會給予學生相關試題做練習。此外本人亦考獲鋼琴演奏級。希望融合對各科的熱情, 及對學生的熱誠和耐性, 以換取學生之佳績。望家長考慮聘請本人。(歡迎下課後whatsapp提問)
11 t15419 [F] (2017-04-23)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Familiar with DSE, SAT, TOEFFL, able to provide helpful tips on examination techniques. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.
12 t46803 [F] (2017-07-01)
[Miss Yip與你尋找隱藏的**] 我是庇理羅士女子中學畢業生,香港中文大學生物醫學工程學生。補習學生大部分都是基礎較差、考試成績不理想的學生。他們來自不同Banding的學校,包括:聖潔靈女子中學、嘉諾撒聖家學校(九龍塘)、慈幼英文學校、德雅中學、將軍澳真道書院、張沛松紀念中學、惠僑英文中學、九龍塘基華小學。 其中聖潔靈的中三同學在3個月內綜合科學進步30分(50->80),英文各分卷都進步約10分,平均分進步8分(66->74),全級總排名進步約2倍(約90名->42),並得到全班第三名的佳績,獲得學業獎(Outstanding Academic Award)。 我瞭解學生失分的原因,有信心教導 貴子弟及使 貴子弟打好基礎,提升排名。
13 t34394 [M] (2017-07-01)
1) Very experienced secondary school teacher 2) Have been teaching DSE English, Liberal Studies, Chinese for 8 years 3) Help to excel in school works 4) Provide effective notes and practices for improvements 5) Aim at Level 4 (Credit) or above 6) Whatsapp contacts after tuitions are welcomed **$300 per hour is expected.
14 t46845 [F]
I am an English teacher in an EMI school. I have been teaching English for more than 15 years and I know the exam requirement well. Currently, I teach F.1 and DSE English. I hold a master degree in Applied Linguistics which I think can help me to teach effectively. Apart from the 4 papers of English, I know well the worksheet design and exam paper setting.
15 t37367 [F] (2017-07-03)
I graduated in the UK and worked as a translator before teaching English at international schools. Having got a postgraduate qualification in teaching English and a master’s degree in translation and interpretation, I tutor local mainstream and international school students in the subject of Science and the humanities like English Language and Literature in English, History and Social Studies. I have experience in teaching English literacy skills (including reading, speaking, writing and listening), grammar and phonics to students at all levels. I’m available at weekends.
16 t46671 [F] (2017-07-04)
1. Was admitted to St. Paul’s Co-educational College in 2012, Diocesan Girls’ School and Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) in 2011. 2. A form six student from Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section). 3. Very competent in both written and spoken English. 4. Native accent. 5. Have been teaching oral, writing, phonics, IELTS etc. for more than 2 years. 6. Current students range from pre-kindergartens to adults. 7. Have taken Literature in English and have been getting satisfactory results. 8. It is my earnest hope that you will consider me as one of your many choices. :)
17 t46834 [F]
本人為本屆(2017)DSE考生,就讀庇理羅士女子中學。學校預測英文 5**,中文 5,LS 5*。本人會就著學生進度準備教學材料,細心和有耐性地教導學生,並會盡力解答學生的問題。補習時間十分有彈性,可遷就學生需要。
18 t46834 [F]
本人為本屆(2017)DSE考生,就讀庇理羅士女子中學。 DSE中文 5*,英文 5*,LS 5**, 數學5, Chem, Geog 5*。本人會就著學生進度準備教學材料,細心和有耐性地教導學生,並會盡力解答學生的問題。補習時間十分有彈性,可遷就學生需要。
19 t46834 [F]
本人為本屆(2017)DSE考生,就讀庇理羅士女子中學。 DSE中文 5*,英文 5*,LS 5**, 數學5, Chem, Geog 5*。本人會就著學生進度準備教學材料,細心和有耐性地教導學生,並會盡力解答學生的問題。補習時間十分有彈性,可遷就學生需要。
20 t34394 [M] (2017-07-21)
1) Very experienced 22-year secondary school teacher 2) Have been teaching DSE English, Liberal Studies, Chinese for 9 years 3) Have been a tutor of primary and secondary school students for 8 years 4) Help to excel in school works 5) Provide effective notes and practices for improvements 6) Aim at Level 4 (Credit) or above 7) Whatsapp contacts after tuitions are welcomed *Once a week. **$400 per hour is expected.
21 t43652 [M]
MBA 工商管理學碩士。畢業於美國大學,獲授「一級榮譽」;主修「MBA 工商管理學碩士」,「心理學」和「社會學」(GPA: 3.58)。中學是Band 1, 主修理科。英語說話寫作流利。


此外,我曾任職小學教師。擁有超過七年的教育經驗。現全職補習,擁有一套獨特的教法。我對教學認真,我會盡我所能來幫助學生,同時履行我的職責。現在17 位學生,由小學至大專都有。大部分為國際學校學生。有 Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA), Hong Kong International School (HKIS), South Island School, Bradbury School, Raimondi College (高主教書院) 等等。


社會學家庭(Sociology of the Family):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)

科學社會 (Science for Society):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)

個人與社會(Individual and Society):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)

水科學(Science of Water):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)

生活科學(The Science of Everyday Life):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)

英語寫作(English Composition):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)
22 t46916 [F]
Graduated in Bristol Uni and have been studying in the UK for 9 years. My major was childhood studies so this has allowed me to work with children in many different settings. Additionally I have taken a certificate course in education after I graduated. I have been practicing as a tutor when I studied. After I came back to Hong Kong, I worked as a full time tutor. Students are ranging from K2 to F23. Currently I also help adult learners to prepare for the Ielts examination.