編號: c80278
刊登日期: 2016-06-17 06:35:40
學生性別: F
地址: 荷李活廣場Starbucks, 鑽石山 
學生程度: 成人
補習科目: 英文Oral
補習資料: 平日上午
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時200至230元
特別要求: Foreigner

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  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t04269 [F] (2016-06-17)
我在香港城市大學畢業,中七畢業於真光女書院,我有五年補習經驗,我現在正在補中五的DSE的課程及小六呈分試。我認為讀好中英數並不難,只要我深入講解考生常錯的地方及出題目的方法,加上我有大量筆記及試題,了解各題目的用意,自然水道渠成。曾有多年為中三四英文中學學生補習經驗, 獲得家長讚賞。另外, 本人亦獲學校受聘任短期數學班導師, 且現在也有為中六補習,對補習甚有經驗。除此之外,本人亦曾於補習社工作,能清楚明白學生學習上困難
2 t45844 [M] (2016-06-17)
本人對雙語(尤其英語)之教學甚有信心。本人中學就讀英中,會考2B5C於大學修讀翻譯(中英雙語)學士學位。畢業後持續進修於香港教育大學修讀英語教學文學碩士 (MATESOL)。並曾經在美國留學. 操非港式流利英語。(口音方面可要求soundtrack 或試堂. Ielts speaking 7.5) 學士及碩士課程,由拼音語音學,文法句法,論文寫作,口譯會話等皆有修讀,讀寫聽說皆為專業水平。對糾正學生chinglish,改善英語會語及聆聽,引導學生以地道英語模式思考極有信心。本人並不會「一份notes講到老」,反之,本人會先給予讀寫聽說練習,再觀察其常犯錯誤,針對性給予一本解決其個人常犯錯誤,度身訂調之筆記,摒棄日校或大型補習社大班教學,量印筆記搔不著癢處之教學。. 現職高中英文䃼習導師。 本人具多年工作經驗(翻譯,金融)並曾在美留學,因此所教英語十分實用「貼地」。並非一般大學生畢業生可比擬。
3 t41850 [F] (2016-06-18)
Recent Graduate in English Studies (2 times Dean's List, Expected 1st Honour) in CityU, I have been abroad to San Francisco for exchange and is proficient with written and spoken English. I specialise in building English foundation and teaching exam techniques. I have taught students from P4-S6 for 4 years. I have achieved a 5** in English with 5** in Reading, Writing and Speaking. Available on Monday, Tuesday, Sunday
4 t44702 [F] (2016-06-19)
本人是香港科技大學經濟及金融理學士 (ECOF) Bachelor of Science in Economics and Finance 學生,畢業於聖公會林護紀念中學,於高考會考英文奪A,高考會考英文oral奪A, 高考3A1C, 會考4A4B, 具三年英文私補經驗,替拔萃女書院,林護等學生補習
5 t45865 [F] (2016-06-19)
I have studied in an International School ever since I was 6. Recently, I graduated with an IB Diploma in Renaissance College Hong Kong. I have studied Chemistry, Biology and Economics as my higher levels and Chinese A Literature, English A Language and Literature and Mathematics as my standard levels. In terms of languages, the Bilingual English A and Chinese A curriculum fortifies my ability to communicate with people from all walks of life, particularly those who speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
6 t45877 [F] (2016-06-23)
Graduated from my Master Degree in HKU. Used to communicate in English with classmates who from Singapore, India, Malaysia, USA, etc, I am fluent in Oral English with American Accent and can help you to speak as natural and fluent as Native Speaker. 碩士畢業生,同學主要來自其他以英文為主的國家,操美國口音英文,會令你說一口流利的英文`
7 t35948 [M] (2016-06-24)
I am a year 4 nursing student in CUHK, and i studied in the UK for 9 years since P.5. My results were GCEAL 2A2B, GCSE 2A*5A3B1C . I was volunteer teacher to teach English in kids centre. I worked in the previous 6 summers with YMCA as camp coordinator and the medium are in English, therefore i would have no problem in communicating in English with kids, and I am also patient and caring. I also have 4 years of part time experience in tutoring from the range of P.1-F.7, currently I am tutoring two kids in English oral (P.4 and F.1) I also had experience in tutoring F.3 Science. i am also very sporty and outgoing.
8 t44662 [M]
Born in the UK with British family, grew up in Hong Kong, fluent in both English and Cantonese. Currently studying at the University of Birmingham. I have previous tutoring experiences with flexible times. 本人於英國出生,在香港長大,流利英文及中文。就讀University of Birmingham。有補習經驗,補習時間靈活。
9 t15419 [F] (2016-07-08)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.
10 t45945 [F]
Dear Madam, I am a recent architectural technology graduate at George Brown College (Canada). I also studied Criminology at University of Toronto. Before studying overseas, I was a student of Diocesan Girls' School from p.1 to F.4. I am fluent in english and have taken IELTS, receiving band score 8 in Oral Speaking. My teaching experience include primary school summer courses and volunteered as an english teacher in rural village in Ching Yuen, China. 您好!本人曾就讀多倫多大學犯罪學系及在2016畢業於加拿大喬治布朗大學建築系。出國前就讀拔萃女小學及拔萃女書院。 曾自修報考雅思IELTS,並在Oral獲取 8 的佳績。 另外,本人擁有兩年教授小學課堂英文暑期班經驗及在清遠義教小六及初中英文。
11 t45972 [M] (2016-07-30)
Hello, im from california, i think it would be pretty easy to teach oral and pronunciation for me. the best way to learn it is through communication. i think i'll be able to help.
12 t46032 [M] (2016-08-04)
American Born Chinese-Native English speaker from California. Cantonese fluent-native, Mandarin-working proficiency. Graduated from California State University Los Angles, Finance/Economics Degree Work in HK Investment Management and read/write/speak on professional business topics. -Experience: *Teach/Tutor English to China and Hong Kong individuals *Tutored/prep Hong Kong Police Officers for English Interviews. *Tutor/prep HK high school students 來自加州的美籍華人,母語為英語。能說流利廣東話, 普通話。 於加州國立大學畢業, 修讀金融/ 經濟學士課程。在香港從事投資管理, 涉及專業工商項目。 相關經驗: - 向國內及本地人提拱一對一英語指導 - 為警察補習英語, 預備升職面試 - 為本地中學生補習英語
13 t46266 [M] (2016-10-24)
Hello, I would be happy to help you with your english conversation as mentioned in the following time. Let me know if I could be of assistance. Thank you!
14 t46056 [F]
於DSE中英各取5*, 並剛於英國伯明翰大學法律系優異成績畢業, 論文屢獲一級榮譽, 現修讀法律專業證書(PCLL) 語文能力備受認可. 擅長以獨特方法補語文, 了解學生需要量身訂造課程. 例如20分鐘作短文, 訓練速度, 即堂批改. 適合備戰DSE及學校考試 操流利英語. 為人有愛心. i speak fluent English.
15 t48030 [M] (2019-08-27)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
16 t48030 [M] (2019-09-02)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
17 t48030 [M] (2019-09-04)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
18 t15419 [F] (2022-08-16)
Over 20 years of experience in teaching English. Students range from International to Band 1 schools. Graduated at York University in Canada. Finished primary and secondary schools at DGS with grade A in English. Guarantee significant improvement and confident in enhancing students English skills in all areas.