編號: c79866
刊登日期: 2016-05-26 12:55:01
學生性別: F
地址: 近將軍澳站, 將軍澳 
學生程度: 中三
補習科目: 數學, 物理, 生物 (英文課程)
補習資料: 任何1天,每堂 1.5小時, 平日5.00pm或以後, 六/日待議
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時120至140元
特別要求: 男女均可, 請列明可上課日子時間

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  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t45619 [M]
本人為2016 DSE 學生,畢業於南區Band1英中港大同學會書院,修讀M2,物理,化學及經濟,校內成績優異。獲多所著名英國大學取錄,如 University of Warwick 經濟系(全英經濟第2), 愛丁堡大學等。 本人擅長理科科目,主力教授DSE 數學,物理及經濟,同時協助學生準備應試技巧及備試策略。本人對海外考核亦有相當了解,曾於IGCSE 分別在數學及英語考取A*及A,IELTS亦取得7.5分。本人在中小學生補習皆有經驗,承諾為每名學生針對調節内容。除了在學科知識上協助同學,本人更望引導學生找尋學習動機,因本人深信自身動力為成功的最關鍵條件。此外,對面對公開試的同學,本人亦能教授解題技巧,確保學生發揮百分百的實力。
2 t45635 [M]
I have graduated from University of Warwick (UK) in 1991 and got my master degree in manufacturing engineering. After graduation (i.e.) starting from 1992, I have been working as part time private tutor, especially teaching for HKCEE (會考) Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Physics from 1992 to 2011. After 2012 (starting from DSE - 文憑試), the major subjects that I’ve taught were also Mathematics, M1 (Calculus & Statistics), M2 (Calculus and Algebra) and Physics as well. In other words, I have accumulated over 20 year experiences on private tutor field. My key technique with my great passion and past experiences are able to assist students for being logical thinking mind to have problems solving on hard questions in homework and exam papers.
3 t45635 [M]
I have graduated from University of Warwick (UK) in 1991 and got my master degree in manufacturing engineering. After graduation (i.e.) starting from 1992, I have been working as part time private tutor, especially teaching for HKCEE (會考) Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Physics from 1992 to 2011. After 2012 (starting from DSE - 文憑試), the major subjects that I’ve taught were also Mathematics, M1 (Calculus & Statistics), M2 (Calculus and Algebra) and Physics as well. In other words, I have accumulated over 20 year experiences on private tutor field. My key technique with my great passion and past experiences are able to assist students for being logical thinking mind to have problems solving on hard questions in homework and exam papers.
4 t45635 [M]
I have graduated from University of Warwick (UK) in 1991 and got my master degree in manufacturing engineering. After graduation (i.e.) starting from 1992, I have been working as part time private tutor, especially teaching for HKCEE (會考) Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Physics from 1992 to 2011. After 2012 (starting from DSE - 文憑試), the major subjects that I’ve taught were also Mathematics, M1 (Calculus & Statistics), M2 (Calculus and Algebra) and Physics as well. In other words, I have accumulated over 20 year experiences on private tutor field. My key technique with my great passion and past experiences are able to assist students for being logical thinking mind to have problems solving on hard questions in homework and exam papers.
5 t37336 [M] (2016-05-12)
本人是今年應屆dse畢業生,亦將會就讀中文大學的工商管理學士學位,亦有修讀物理及化學的英文課程,熟知dse出題模式,以及其考核範圍,在市面上大多數的課本以及題目考核的範圍都超越dse考核的範圍,作為dse的第一屆學生,我能夠令學生更有效準備dse,減少學生做多餘題目的機會。 而本人在今屆dse考試中,數學獲得5*,物理考獲5,而化學考獲5*的成積,在校內亦多次考獲三科的學科獎,我亦有教導中學生的經驗,現時有與不同年級的高中理科學生補習。我也有參與多個演講比賽及辯論比賽,我能將我所擁有的知識清楚解釋給學生,亦能因應學生的需要而改變其教學內容,可上課時間為星期日的任何時間,最好上午的時間。
6 t45560 [F] (2016-05-14)
7 t45686 [M]
本人現與滑鐵盧大學(University of Waterloo)攻讀物理科,剛完成一年級課程。從耀中國際學校畢業,去年于同中學考取IB國際文憑。于IGCSE,IB和大學課程中物理,化學和數學都獲取佳績,希望能夠得到機會給于貴子女學業上的幫助。
8 t45411 [M]
概念為主 考試主導 本人為理工大學學生,對於數學考試方面有研究,於DSE中獲取5*成績。另外本人熱愛數學,會不斷l學習和應用不同的數學技巧,以簡單易懂的方法讓學生應用並獲優異成績。 本人以概念為本,練習為輔。除了淺入深出的講解外,本人會以past paper為中心,直接教授考試技巧,以最快的方法獲得最大效益,以輕鬆的方法讀好數學。 本人會為學生訂造一套獨自的教學方法,透過上課不斷更新學習進度和評估,從而令學生獲得最大效益。 無論進步空間大的同學,或者追求完美的同學,本人也有不同技巧,讓學生感受進步的樂趣。
9 t42085 [M]
Hi, I am Martin, a year 3 Food and Nutritional Sciences Student in CUHK. I have just come back from a one-year exchange in Canada and I am able to use either English or Cantonese for tutorials.