編號: c79524
刊登日期: 2016-05-13 14:02:12
學生性別: M
地址: 第一街, 西營盤 
學生程度: 中四
補習科目: 英文
補習資料: 任何1天,每堂 1.5小時, 平日5pm或以後,六待議
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時200至250元
特別要求: 現職男女老師均可, 請列明可上課日子時間

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  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t37063 [F] (2016-04-07)
I am a year 4 student studying at Poly U. I used to study at a well-known EMI school (Good Hope School) for 11 years. After that I went to study at an international school for 2 years. Therefore, I can speak very fluent English. I got 5 in CE Eng ( 5* in oral paper), C in UE ( A in speaking and grammar) and 7.5/9 in IELTS. I have been teaching English for more than 5 years (including IELTS).
2 t38959 [F] (2016-04-08)
<港大英文系畢業> 香港大學英文系畢業,曾任教港島區 Band 1 英文中學英文科10年,現為全職補習導師。有13年私人上門補習經驗,專補DSE英文課程(中四至中六),初中及小學各級英文,亦教國際學校、成人(商業英語)及雅思(IELTS)等。
3 t45513 [F]
In regard of Academic achievement, I graduated from University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom in BA (Hons) Finance, Accounting and Management. I was awarded the BP Achievement Award and Nottingham Business School International Student Scholarship. I graduated from Belilios Public School, a prestigious and traditional English medium speaking girl’s school. In A Level Use of English Examination, I scored “A” in the Listening and Reading and Language Systems paper. In Cert Level, I scored “A” in the Writing paper. I was awarded the Certificate of Merit in the English Writing Competition organized by Australia Education Link as well as Certificate of Merit, Second Runner Up in Solo Verse Speaking organized by the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association.
4 t34394 [M] (2016-04-10)
1) I am experienced in teaching DSE English for 7 years. 2) Many students of mine in different schools from Band 1 to 3 have attained satisfactory results from Level 4 to 5**. 3) I am living near and can meet in 5 minutes.
5 t15419 [F] (2016-04-12)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.
6 t45354 [M] (2016-04-26)
7 t45354 [M] (2016-04-26)
本人香港大学主修数学,不仅可讲解英语,更能解答理科题目 英语流利,曾赴美国交换,定能达到您满意的效果 有耐心和小孩进行交流,善于沟通引导,有丰富的英语家教经历 语法和口语训练定能使您满意! 平日时间灵活! 有问题可随时whatsapp提问!
8 t45354 [M] (2016-04-26)
9 t37765 [F] (2016-05-07)
10 t15419 [F] (2016-05-10)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.
11 t45682 [M] (2016-05-16)
你好本人是英文中學九龍華仁書院畢業生,主修文(HISTORY,GEOGRAPHY)在校內有良好成績,全班排名頭10,精通通識英文,公開試predicted grades優越, 彈性上課時間, 耐心教導, 為人誠懇有禮。可以提供功課輔導、筆記等。希望貴家長能給予機會。
12 t15419 [F] (2016-05-16)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.
13 t45705 [F]