編號: c71595
刊登日期: 2014-08-08 09:49:04
學生性別: F
地址: 干德道/香港區公眾地方, 中區 
學生程度: 文憑/高級文憑/學士/公開大學
補習科目: 英文 [中六程度] [學生將會升讀大專一年級]
補習資料: 平日任何時間, 六日待議
星期一至五: 每星期2堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時130至180元
特別要求: 女導師, 請列明可上課日子時間

冇時間? 想介紹比朋友做? Share比佢啦!!
  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t42872 [F] (2014-08-04)
Hi I'm Kayley a F7 graduate studying in the UK. I speak, read and write fluent English. I studied Maths and Statistics, Geography, Economics, Chinese and Psychology in my A-level course. I achieved 7.5 overall score for my IELTS, with 8.5 for listening, 7.5 for both writing and speaking and 7 for reading. I have been well exposed to a lot of English since I was small. I graduated at Marymount Primary and Secondary School. English, Maths and English Literature were the subjects I performed the best during those days. I used to do a lot of volunteering work outside school such as teaching young kids in community halls, I am a cheerful person and I love kids. I believe I have what it takes to help your child in his/her studies. Hope you can give me the chance:) Thanks.
2 t39164 [F] (2014-08-04)
你好,本人於港島區名校畢業,現時就讀教育榮譽學士課程,能為中小同學補習。專長教授英文、英文會話及發音,劍橋牛津英語活動營助理導師。有教授中小學生,國際學生經驗,掌握不同能力學生的需要,可因應學生程度教授。 由於學生將升大專一年級本人將集中照顧學生適應中學升大專的過渡期,為學生培養大學生需要的英文及寫作技巧,令學生開學時更得心應手。
3 t38146 [F] (2014-08-04)
Internationally recognized and qualified TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) Teacher with a bachelor degree. I stayed and studied in Switzerland and England for years. Love teaching. Currently working in a well known international company but still working as a part time English tutor. I have rich teaching experience as I have been teaching kids from different levels and backgrounds.
4 t42871 [F]
你好,本人為第三屆DSE考生,並於港島傳統女名校畢業,成績一向優異。 本人於DSE英國語文科考獲5*,當中分卷包括5**及5*級別。本人熟悉DSE的考試模式及技巧,並能為您的女兒提供適當的筆記及練習,令您女兒的成績有所進步。此外,本人於英文口試亦考獲5**等級,因此亦能為您的女兒提供口試練習,讓您的女兒以最佳狀態應付考試。 本人星期一至星期五全日及星期六、日下午均能上課,謝謝!
5 t42871 [F]
6 t42871 [F]
7 t35444 [F] (2014-08-05)
本人畢業於傳統中西區名校,現就讀樹仁大學英文系四年級。熱愛語言,會考中文考獲5*,英文考獲5;高考中國語文及文化科的實用文和說話考獲A,Use of English的Writing 和Listening考獲A, Reading考獲B。其他科的成績亦有credits,沒有不合格。由中四起選讀英國文學和政府及公共事務,長時間的寫作和閱讀加深了我對英文的興趣,喜愛研究正音正字和每個字的所有用法和解釋,是校報記者和年度校刊編輯。能操流利英語及普通話,習慣與外籍老師溝通,是國際公開演講組織 Toastmasters International 的會員,接受過一連串密集式的英文演講。另外,本人亦是青年立法會的成員,由於經常要辯論,對分析題目方面甚有心得。由中四起擔任大姐姐,協助中一小妹妹盡快適應校園和輔導功課,尤其是那些從中文小學升上來的同學,有愛心並富耐性,自信能為貴子弟解答學業疑難。在中西區就讀小學時每年考獲全級第一,而升上中學後亦不時為中小學生補習,因此對現時中小學的課程不陌生。對工作熱誠認真,望家長能給予機會,謝謝!
8 t43013 [F] (2014-08-09)
I am originally from China and graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a major in English Studies and Art History. I speak fluent English and studied in the UK as an exchange student. I hold a Mandarin Proficiency Certificate in Level ONE, Grade B and obtained 8.0 score in IELTS test. I have one-year experience tutoring international school kids from 3 to 16 years old. I am available to work after 7pm on weekdays and on weekends.
9 t43031 [M]
本人畢業於九龍傳統Band 1男校聖若瑟英文中小學,隨後到英國劍橋 (Cambridge) Bellerbys College 以「優異」成績 (Pass With Distinction)修畢大學基礎課程 (法律)(Law Foundation Course),並同時獲得英國伯明翰大學法律學院 (School of Law University of Birmingham) 取錄修讀法律學士(榮譽)課程 (LLB (Hon))。 本人擅長英文科,於國際英語水平測試(IELTS)考獲平均成績7分 ,此成績,根據香港考試及評核局的基準研究,相當於文憑試英文科的平均成績5*。此外,本人亦擅長中文科和化學科,於中學及文憑試均取得不俗成績。
10 t40526 [F]
本人現在於香港理工大學就讀工業及系統工程,為三年級生,有二年補習經驗。 本人於會考時取得數學B GRADE,英文level 5 的成績。 另外,本人於IELTS試中考獲7.5分, 其中READNG 及LISTENING部份分別考獲9分和8分(9分為滿分)。在大專時的考試中, 本人在英文亦獲得A grade 成績,明白如何在考試中取得佳績。可補時間為星期一至五下午及星期六日上午。
11 t41405 [F] (2014-08-14)
您好,本人為第二屆DSE的學生,畢業於中西區Band 1女校,現就讀香港大學二年級。 本人在文憑考試中,英文和數學分別取得5**及5級的成績,英文所有分卷均達5*或以上成績。 於小學至中學期間曾修讀英文拼音課程(3年)、公文式英文課程(7年)及數學課程(5年)。 可於星期一至六進行補習,具體時間可洽商。
12 t35667 [F] (2014-08-19)
I am currently a part-time instructor at Community College and specialize in teaching English at senior level and give guidance to tertiary students in language learning. Only available at Central.
13 t43114 [M]
14 t41143 [F]
Hello Im Priscilla. Majority of the students think that English language is a subject that requires long developed interest and can't be improved drastically in a short time. Whereas through my own unique method, English can still improved by leaps and bounds. During my 6 years of studies in St Paul's Secondary School which is using English as a medium for teaching in all subjects except Chinese. My profound comprehension has been developed.
15 t43767 [F]
【星級導師】你好! 本人曾就讀港島區BAND 1英中英華女校,工商管理學士畢業(修讀期間曾獲獎學金到美國當交流生)。有三年中小學補習經驗,學生成績進步顯著。專補英文及數學,可提供練習。居於西環。守時,有耐性及責任心,希望家長考慮,謝謝!
16 t40212 [F]
本人於沙田區BAND 1英中聖羅撒書院畢業(F.1-5).及後於美國留學兩年,剛剛畢業於加拿大University of Toronto。本人海外留學經驗豐富,能操流利英語。在會考中的中國語文、英國語文和數學皆取優良成績。本人擁有多年豐富補習經驗,在中學時已為低年級同學和小學生補習。因此,我相信自己能擔當一位稱職的補習導師。現為全職補習導師,敬請考慮! 對象: 小一至中三:全科 小一至中六:中、英、數 小一至成人:英文會話 本人家住將軍澳,地點較為附近,時間可以更為彈性。
17 t15419 [F] (2018-01-16)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Familiar with IELTS, DSE, SAT, TOEFFL, able to provide helpful tips on examination techniques. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.