編號: c71536
刊登日期: 2014-08-04 12:41:36
學生性別: M
地址: 杏花村, 杏花村 
學生程度: 文憑/高級文憑/學士/公開大學
補習科目: 英文會話, 寫作 [升中二]
補習資料: 任何1天,每堂 1.5小時, 平日5.00pm或以後, 六/日待議
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.00小時, 每小時120至140元
特別要求: 男女均可, 請列明可上課日子時間

冇時間? 想介紹比朋友做? Share比佢啦!!
  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t40592 [M] (2014-07-30)
Hi! I used to study in UK, when i was studying there; I helped some younger children on their academic. After coming back to HK for studying in The University of Hong Kong, I do tutor some other students in HK as well. Therefore I am confident to tutor your children with my experience and I could also provide a good learning environment. Thank you for reading!
2 t38214 [M] (2014-07-30)
Hello, 我係香港理工大學嘅學生,主修計算機科學 (BSc (Hons) in Computing), 剛剛在美國加州完成一年實習,曾就讀於港島區 Band 1 英文中學,有兩年私人補習經驗(國際學校), (我住杏花邨).
3 t37132 [F] (2014-07-31)
本人是外國留學生,剛從加拿大完成大三回香港,就讀於University of British Columbia。小時候曾學習English Phonics,中一到中六就讀於英文中學聖保祿中學,會考英文科reading, listening, writing, oral, practical skill 均取得5,IELTS overall 的分數是7; reading 8.5,LPI 5/6,亦曾於多次英文朗誦比賽中取得優異獎,懂流利英語,在Hong Kong School Drama Festival 取得Award for Best Script Writer,更曾於普通話班際朗誦比賽中取得冠軍,亦曾於加拿大中學修讀普通話並取得92分的佳積,一向亦慣用拼音輸入法於電腦打中文。本人明白打好英文和普通話基礎的重要性,曾給補習的對象有小學生也有中學生,擁有豐富補習經驗,家內亦有很多英文文法的參考書籍,可影印給學生。本人居住於炮台山富澤花園,可補任何時間。
4 t42960 [M] (2014-08-02)
你好,我為剛剛一屆的文憑試畢業生,出身於傳統男校聖若瑟書院。DSE六科取得三十分,在中英文皆取得5*之餘,英文科當中的Reading 和 Speaking更取得5**級。對於高小和初中學生,我的經驗算是豐富,現正為三位分別小五、小六及中一的學生補習英文,尤其精通閱讀理解和文法。我相信我的實戰技巧和體會,定必能夠提升學生對英文科的理解和能力,期望有機會於略施綿力,幫助 閣下。
5 t42872 [F] (2014-08-04)
Hi I'm Kayley a F7 graduate studying in the UK. I speak, read and write fluent English. I studied Maths and Statistics, Geography, Economics, Chinese and Psychology in my A-level course. I achieved 7.5 overall score for my IELTS, with 8.5 for listening, 7.5 for both writing and speaking and 7 for reading. I have been well exposed to a lot of English since I was small. I graduated at Marymount Primary and Secondary School. English, Maths and English Literature were the subjects I performed the best during those days. I used to do a lot of volunteering work outside school such as teaching young kids in community halls, I am a cheerful person and I love kids. I believe I have what it takes to help your child in his/her studies. Hope you can give me the chance:) Thanks.
6 t42889 [M]
7 t42986 [F] (2014-08-05)
Hi, I'm Florence and I am a recent graduate at the University of New South Wales, Australia (B.Advanced Science). I'm patient with children and have extensive experience in leading children activities and tutoring both in Hong Kong and in Australia. I am an Australian-born native english speaker with Hong Kong background. Fluent in both English and Chinese (Grade B, 2006 HKCEE; HSC Distinction Achiever for Standard English (Ranked 8th across the New South Wales state, Australia)). I'm currently available most days and times. Should you decide to hire me as your child's tutor, please don't hesitate to contact me via hotttor website. Cheers.