編號: c71373
刊登日期: 2014-08-14 11:37:03
學生性別: F
地址: 銅鑼灣近港鐵站, 銅鑼灣 
學生程度: 小一
補習科目: 英文 [普通話授課] [ 中三男,小一女]
補習資料: 短期補習由即日起至8月中
星期一至五: 每星期3堂, 每堂2.00小時, 每小時450至480元
特別要求: commission 另議, 外籍老師,男女均可, 請列明可上課日子時間

冇時間? 想介紹比朋友做? Share比佢啦!!
  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t42762 [M] (2014-07-17)
2 t33933 [F] (2014-07-17)
Although born in the UK, my family moved back to HK and I studied at DGS. I obtained 4A3B(English, Maths, Additional Maths, Religious Studies, Physics, Chemistry , Putonghua) in HKCEE and afterwards, I spent 5 years studying in the UK. I obtained 3A*2A (Further Maths, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Chinese)in GCE A-Levels. I then went to Imperial College London to study Mathematics. I had experience tutoring local students English and students who are studying in international schools Maths and Science. I really like little kids and have much experience tutoring younger children too. Hence I am confident I can handle with your case.
3 t34974 [F]
你好, 本人就讀於香港城市大學(主修英文)2年級, 同時能操得一口流利英文. 本人已有多年擔任補習社的補習導師和私人導師, 為中, 小學生專科英補習英文, 每一名學生均有明顯進步, 十分明白如何令學生英文進步. 本人上課認真, 有耐性. 希望 貴家長可以給予機會.
4 t41942 [F] (2014-07-18)
本人為德台混血兒,精通英文,國語(有國家普通話水平測試證書),德文,廣東話。持本人持雙碩士學位,畢業於德國及荷蘭的精英大學,主修政治,學士於英國就讀,主修國際溝通,中英翻譯。6年歐洲留學經驗。4年英文補習經驗,3年普通話教學經驗。:D 我喜歡教學帶來的成功感,也很喜歡小孩子!
5 t34974 [F]
你好, 本人就讀於香港城市大學(主修英文)2年級, 同時能操得一口流利英文及普通話. 本人已有多年擔任補習社的補習導師和私人導師, 為中, 小學生專科英補習英文, 每一名學生均有明顯進步, 十分明白如何令學生英文放短時間內大大進步. 本人上課認真, 有耐性. 希望 貴家長可以給予機會.
6 t31805 [F] (2014-07-18)
本人為理工大學電腦系碩士畢業生, 會考中英數A, 27分. Band 1 英文中學畢業. 曾往澳洲做交流生. 流利英文(可以英文授課 & 懂英文音標); 流利普通話(可以普通話授課 & 熟習拼音), 廣東話和閩南話. 全職補習, 多年補習經驗. 細心, 有耐性.善於根據學生不同程度給予引導, 提昇學習興趣.
7 t37132 [F] (2014-07-20)
本人是外國留學生,剛從加拿大完成大三回香港,就讀於University of British Columbia。小時候曾學習English Phonics,中一到中六就讀於英文中學聖保祿中學,會考英文科reading, listening, writing, oral, practical skill 均取得5,IELTS overall 的分數是7; reading 8.5,LPI 5/6,亦曾於多次英文朗誦比賽中取得優異獎,懂流利英語,在Hong Kong School Drama Festival 取得Award for Best Script Writer,更曾於普通話班際朗誦比賽中取得冠軍,亦曾於加拿大中學修讀普通話並取得92分的佳積,一向亦慣用拼音輸入法於電腦打中文。本人明白打好英文和普通話基礎的重要性,曾給補習的對象有小學生也有中學生,擁有豐富補習經驗,對小朋友有耐性 ,家內亦有很多英文文法的參考書籍,可影印給貴子女。本人居住於炮台山富澤花園,可補任何時間。
8 t32144 [F] (2014-07-21)
Native English Speaker and fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin Full time English tutor Patient with young learners
9 t42899 [F] (2014-07-24)
British/Chinese mixed race, fluent in English (IELTS8.5/9), Mandarin (taken Putonghua in HKCEE), and Cantonese. Graduated from Imperial College London with a first-class degree in Biochemistry. I am very patient, and developed strong teaching skills through many years of private and small-class tutoring. In addition, I have a sister who is only 10 years old, as a result I am accustomed to being around children and enjoy teaching them very much. 本人為中英混血兒,留學英國五年,剛從倫敦帝國理工學院以一級榮譽畢業,主修生物化學。小學曾就讀以普通話教學的蘇浙小學,中一至中五就讀於名校庇理羅士女子中學。本人能說地道的英語及普通話,並有豐富的補習經驗。家?擔任姐姐的角色,為十歲妹妹天天補習語文,讓她能掌握好兩文三語。本人居住於北角,補習時間非常靈活。
10 t42900 [M]
本人於喇沙書院畢業,為2010年末代會考十優狀元,經拔尖計劃入讀香港大學,現正修讀內外全科醫學學位(四年級)。本人能說流利普通話及英語,對教學懷有熱誠,亦相信有能力輔導 貴子女的學業。希望家長能考慮我的申請,謝謝。
11 t15419 [F] (2014-07-24)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Over 15 years of teaching English to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement in Reading, Writing, Comprehension, Grammar, Listening and Oral Speaking.
12 t42904 [F]
13 t42904 [F]
14 t42224 [F] (2014-07-28)
(时间可夹 为方便所以随便选了一个) 本人母语普通话,在高考中以中文128.5/150的成绩摘得全市第一名。擅长与人沟通与书面写作。硬笔书法亦曾多次获奖。之前曾做过补习,有相关经验。耐心细致,有责任感。英文水平日常交流也没有问题,美式发音,高考成绩140/150。现在城市大学本科就读,主修英文专业。希望能帮助到有需要的学生并发挥所长,体现自己的价值!谢谢。
15 t29664 [F] (2014-07-28)
I was born in the USA and was raised in an English speaking environment. I was graduated in St. Paul's Co-educational College and major in translation and interpretation in City University. I have joined the English debating team in my university since year1 and I speak completely fluent English. I had A for all the public oral examinations and attained a 7 in IELTS. I have passed the Putonghua Shui Ping Ce Shi with a level of 2B. I have five years tutoring experience and am now teaching primary students from Lasalle and Marryknoll English oral. Time available: Sat/Sun afternoon.
16 t43013 [F] (2014-08-09)
I am originally from China and graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a major in English Studies and Art History. I speak fluent English and studied in the UK as an exchange student. I hold a Mandarin Proficiency Certificate in Level ONE, Grade B and obtained 8.0 score in IELTS test. I have one-year experience tutoring international school kids from 3 to 16 years old. I am available to work after 7pm on weekdays and on weekends.