編號: c70794
刊登日期: 2014-08-02 13:03:45
學生性別: M
地址: 金龍大廈, 天后 
學生程度: 小二
補習科目: 全科 (英文課程)
補習資料: 任何1天,每堂 1.0小時, 平日5.00pm或以後
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.00小時, 每小時80至100元
特別要求: 女導師, 請列明可上課日子時間

冇時間? 想介紹比朋友做? Share比佢啦!!
  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t42484 [F] (2014-05-29)
I am good at teaching primary school students English and other subjects. I am patient and had previous experiences in teaching primary school students. I graduated from Sacred Heart Canossian College, currently studying nursing degree. I can prepare notes and exam papers for your child.
2 t33995 [F]
本人大學工商管理碩士畢業, 富經驗補小學全科及英文科, 聖保祿書院畢業, 深得家長及小孩喜愛, 富教學經驗, 曾任補習社及功輔班導師, 現任 小三功輔班老師, 全職補習,請聯絡我, 郭老師, 謝謝!
3 t40247 [F]
I am currently studying at the HKUST. I studied at St. Paul's Convent School since kindergarten. I am a circumspect and responsible person. I have taken the IGCSE and HKDSE examination in 2011 and 2013 respectively and have attained brilliant result - IGCSE 6 A*s (Chinese, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Principle of Accounting), 1 A (Economics), 1 B (English) ; HKDSE 1 5* (Chinese), 5 5 (English, Chemistry, Biology, B.A.F.S. and Liberal Studies), 1 4 (Mathematics). I know well about the syllables of IGCSE and HKDSE.
4 t25443 [F] (2014-06-03)
本人是全職私人中小學補習老師,有八年私人中小學補習經驗。 教學理念為 "有教無類,因材施教",提供上門私人補習服務。 學生包括國際學校,港島名校。 現於香港公開大學主修英文。 中五畢業於銅鑼灣聖保祿學校 St. Paul's Convent School。 中七畢業於藍田聖保祿中學 St. Paul's School (Lam Tin)。 高考成績 (HKALE)︰英文為B,世界歷史為C。 會考成績 (HKCEE)︰英文,中文成績皆為C,數學為D。 畢業後取得商業學文憑與會計文憑,有超過二十年外資公司(怡和集團)工作經驗。 日常工作溝通以英語,廣東話為主。
5 t09249 [F]
6 t42652 [F]
本人是應屆文憑試考生,修讀地理及化學科,就讀嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院。現為高中生補習英文,曾為小學生補習全科,亦曾於天主教會擔任多年主日學導師,喜歡與小孩子相處,富愛心及耐性教導學生,更有講課的經驗。 本人希望透過了解學生的喜好,配合適當的課程,引起學生對學習的興趣,提高學生的自信。上課時間可商議,希望家長予以考慮。
7 t38079 [F] (2014-06-12)
您好,本人是外國大學生,於英國倫敦藝術大學(University of the Arts London - Central Saint Martins)主修建築室內設計,畢業於港島區國際學校。學校用英文和普通話授課,所以有信心能夠與學生以流利英文和普通話溝通。本人於International Baccalaureate (IB) 文憑考試取得英文文學6/7,企業5/7,數學5/7。 有三年補習經驗,為人親切,有耐性,有責任感,認真,善於用不同教學方式教導學生。本人居住港島區,補習時間具彈性,可以即日開始。上課時間:平日6點後及星期六2點前。
8 t42692 [F]
現主修Business Finance,曾在英國會計師公會考獲distinction及merit兩個優異成績。曾在中環國際有限公司當聯絡生,可以以英文教授,提供大量筆記及練習供。自由參與大量與小朋友有關活動(兒童興趣班、小導師、歷奇訓練活動等等)有足夠照顧小朋友的經驗及愛心~~ 任何時間可以,歡迎聯絡
9 t15419 [F] (2014-06-26)
Over 10 years of experience in teaching English to kindergarten, primary, secondary students (including band 1 and international schools) and adults. Graduated in DGS (primary and secondary) with grade A in English. Lived and studied abroad over 15 years and finished my bachelor degree at York University. Guarantee significant results in students English skills in all areas including Comprehension, Reading, Writing, Oral Speaking, Listening and Grammar.
10 t19879 [F] (2014-07-06)
I am intended to recommend myself as the tutor for your child. I have 7 years of experience in teaching primary and secondary school students from both local and international schools. I graduated from the UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG and a local girl's school with an outstanding academic result in the t A-Level examination. Besides, I've got a result of 100/120 in TOEFL examination , 7.5/9 in IELTS and a satisfactory result in HKCEE exam ( with 5 in English writing and 5* in Oral, listening and reading comprehension). I describe myself as a patient, creative, caring tutor.
11 t42790 [F]
I am a first year Biochemistry student studying in University College London (UCL). I am an English and Math tutor for an international school student. I was a 2013 HKDSE student graduated from Sacred Heart Canossian College. I was awarded 5** in English Language (5** in all papers), Liberal Studies and Biology; 5* in Chemistry and BAFS; 5 in Mathematics; and 4 in Chinese Language. In addition, I scored 8.5 out of 9 in IELTS. I am confident in providing quality lessons for the student.
12 t42681 [F] (2014-08-02)
13 t37132 [F] (2014-08-02)
本人是外國留學生,剛從加拿大完成大三回香港,就讀於University of British Columbia。小時候曾學習English Phonics,中一到中六就讀於英文中學聖保祿中學,會考英文科reading, listening, writing, oral, practical skill 均取得5,IELTS overall 的分數是7; reading 8.5,LPI 5/6,亦曾於多次英文朗誦比賽中取得優異獎,懂流利英語,在Hong Kong School Drama Festival 取得Award for Best Script Writer,更曾於普通話班際朗誦比賽中取得冠軍,亦曾於加拿大中學修讀普通話並取得92分的佳積,一向亦慣用拼音輸入法於電腦打中文。本人明白打好英文和普通話基礎的重要性,曾給補習的對象有小學生也有中學生,擁有豐富補習經驗,家內亦有很多英文文法的參考書籍,可影印給學生。本人居住於炮台山富澤花園,可補任何時間。
14 t42872 [F] (2014-08-03)
Hi I'm Kayley a F7 graduate studying in the UK. I speak, read and write fluent English. I studied Maths and Statistics, Geography, Economics, Chinese and Psychology in my A-level course. I achieved 7.5 overall score for my IELTS, with 8.5 for listening, 7.5 for both writing and speaking and 7 for reading. I have been well exposed to a lot of English since I was small. I graduated at Marymount Primary and Secondary School. English, Maths and English Literature were the subjects I performed the best during those days. I used to do a lot of volunteering work outside school such as teaching young kids in community halls, I am a cheerful person and I love kids. I believe I have what it takes to help your child in his/her studies. Hope you can give me the chance:) Thanks.
15 t30112 [F] (2014-08-03)
本人為大學畢業生,中學就讀於band1英文中學, 並已有多年私人補習經驗, 專補英數. 時間穩定.